Architects – Vice

Band: Architects
Album: Vice
Genre: Rock
Label: Anodyne

1. Cold Hard Facts
2. Hard Times
3. Pills
4. Daddy Wore Black
5.Jersey Shore
6. New Boots & Truncheons
7. Mrs. Doyle
8. Drop In The Bottle
9. Continental
10. Help
11. Oklahoma
12. Pills [Extended Version]

Alright first off, there are several bands that currently occupy the name “Architects,” so just to clarify the one that I am reviewing is a rock band from Kansas City, Missouri. This is actually their 3rd album so far, but I must say this is the album (if any) they should be known for. This groups of guys possess a very unique style for now-a-days music. They combine classic rock, punk, and even a little bit of blues to form one progressive sound.

When listening to Vice, the first thing that I really noticed about the “Architects” is their heavy classic rock influence. If I didn’t know any better I would honestly believe they were from the 70’s. The very first song on this album is “Cold Hard Facts” where I can tell they have a giant influence of The Who on this track in particular. It has an upbeat feeling but at the same time makes you want to rock. There is a really tight solo toward the end of this track. Its tracks like these are what originally inspired me to play guitar.

Now out of the entire collection of songs on Vice the song that stood out the most to me would have to be “Daddy Wore Black.” If I had to put a genre label on this track I would say that this song is very punkish. The lyrics are really catchy and it’s a great song to sing along to as well. It has a really punky, but simple bass lines and guitar riff throughout, but they were catchy.

Not that many of the rest of the songs on the album stood out greatly, but they were all still pretty good. Overall there is a giant mix of variety to be found on this album and if you are a big classic rock or old punk fan, these guys are worth checking out.

Crashing drums, shredding solos, funky bass lines and punky vocals define these guys. Also, as I have mentioned a good amount of times they are extremely original while being able to tell who influences their music at the same time. I must say, these guys remind me of good old classic rock bands that most people have forgotten about by now. I must give these guys credit for the music they make, they deserve it.

*Written By: Danny Weiss*
GRADE: 7/10

James Shotwell
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