We Interviewed Rookie of The Year!

Newest staffer Alex Gohl got a face to face with Rookie of The Year last week in Lansing and has already delivered the interview to us. Go Alex!

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[UTG] Alex: What day number of the tour is this?

R.O.T.Y. – Ryan: Number two

[UTG] Alex: Through the years of being on tour, what is the funniest moment that happened?

R.O.T.Y. – Ryan: There are so many of them. I’d probably say when we were on the last day of the Secondhand Serenade tour playing a sold out show in Salt Lake City. What happened was one of the guys from Play Radio Play hooked up his laptop to the digital screen display on stage, then he displayed John Vesely’s (lead singer of Secondhand Serenade) phone number on it as a joke, and I watched as everyone in the audience pulled out their cell phones. Then I saw John’s phone start blowing up with calls. It would not stop ringing, so he had to change his number!

[UTG] Alex: Even though this is the beginning of your first headlining tour promoting your new album “Sweet Attention”, are there plans for more?

R.O.T.Y. – Ryan: There is a chance that we will be heading over to the west coast to do the “What Is Love” tour. Also in the summer we might be doing a tour with Quietdrive, and in the spring we might be doing a tour with the LFO.

[UTG] Alex: How do you think your sound has progressed as a whole from your previous albums to Sweet Attention?

R.O.T.Y. – Ryan: We have matured from a slower sound to rock

[UTG] Alex: Where do you expect to see Rookie of the Year in 5 years?

R.O.T.Y. – Ryan: I have no idea

[UTG] Alex: What was the reasoning to choosing the other bands on the tour (School Boy Humor, Jet Lag Gemini, Kiernan McMullen)?

R.O.T.Y. – Ryan: Well all the bands have a fresh buzz behind them. School Boy Humor is on Disney Radio, and Jet Lag Gemini just finished the All American Rejects tour.

[UTG] Alex: If there was one thing you could change about the band or the band’s current situation, what would it be?

R.O.T.Y. – Ryan: I would rather be in a tour bus!

[UTG] Alex: Where and when was your favorite concert?

R.O.T.Y. – Ryan: I have two favorites. We were playing a sold out show at this really fancy venue called The Granada Theater in Dallas; it was so awesome because the fans were insane! My other favorite was when we were playing a sold out show at Higher Ground in Vermont. When we were playing, the first 300 kids in the front row knew all of the words to sing along with us.

[UTG] Alex: How was your experience making the “What Is Love” video?

R.O.T.Y. – Ryan: It was a lot of fun; we shot the video in southern California. Then on Valentine’s Day it was put on the front of Myspace, and it got 42,000 views.

[UTG] Alex: Here at Under The Gun we let the artist end the interview with whatever they want to say, so go ahead and shoot.

R.O.T.Y. – Ryan: See you on the What Is Love tour, and check out our new record Sweet Attention. Also we are on the front of the Pure Volume Website with a free song download.

*Written by: Alex Gohl*

James Shotwell
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