After Two Heart Attacks, Gallagher Announces His Retirement

After three decades in the business, the comedian known around the world as Gallagher has announced his retirement.

The sixty-five year old comic made his plans to leave comedy known recently during an interview on WDCM out of Ohio. In the conversation, Gallagher noted that his crowds had always been tough and that he’s finally had enough. He does note a chance for company parties and other small events, but we are not holding our breaths. You can listen to an excerpt from the announcement, here.

I know many of you have never experienced Gallagher’s comedy, and hell, there’s a good chance some of you do not even know who he is, but his mark has forever been left on the world of comedy. Click past the jump for a stroll down memory lane with one of his finest clips.

Thanks for the memories, Gallagher. You will be missed.

James Shotwell
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