Attack Attack! Announced As Headliner For Scream It Like You Mean It 2012

Instead of giving you six posts about to individual additions to the Scream It Like You Mean It Tour, UTG decided to combine the announcement!

Atttack Attack! will be headlining this years Scream It Like You Mean It 2012, alongside Like Moths To Flames, We Came As Romans, The Acacia Strain, Oceano, and Close to Home.

No further touring information has been given out but we will be sure to update you all as the news is released. Does this look like a a tour you would enjoy attending?

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One Response to “Attack Attack! Announced As Headliner For Scream It Like You Mean It 2012”

  1. Tonypajamaz says:

    i feel as if the acacia strain doesn’t belong on the tour lol