HOW BAD IS IT?!: Last Ounce Of Courage

Movies are the number one source of entertainment according to a statistic I just made up. Everyone loves going to the movies. It’s a standard date night, and has helped millions of teens awkwardly hold hands in the dark. Movies are a great escape from reality, and help people relieve the stress of their lives. Unfortunately every once in a while a movie gets released that ruins the experience…

I hate politics. Everything about them frustrates me to no end. Attack ads, controversy, this side versus that side, it is all completely ridiculous. When I heard that there was a new movie that was produced by the same company that created the awful 2016: Obama’s America I had to see it, just to see how out of hand all of this nonsense had gotten. So yesterday I went to the movie theater, bought my ticket for Resident Evil: Retribution and watched that movie. Then I snuck in to Last Ounce Of Courage because I cannot justify spending money on something I suspected was politically fueled. Spoiler alert: I was right.

The Movie

According to IMDb and the movie theater I went to Last Ounce Of Courage is about the son of a fallen soldier trying to reconnect with his grandfather, who is still grieving over the loss of his son. If you watched that trailer up there you can see that is not the case. The movie is actually about the mayor of a small town fighting to bring Christmas back to his town where is has been outlawed by the government. That sounds exaggerated, but that is really what it is about.

It is also about patriotic motorcycles.

The main character of the movie is the mayor of a fictional town (and he is also the pharmacist, because mayors have two jobs now I guess). His son died fighting in the middle east 14 years ago and since then the town has had its freedom taken away. Now they cannot display Christmas decorations or crosses or have a town Christmas tree. So the mayor has had enough and he puts all that stuff back up in the town and the rest of the movie is a fight between him and some political figure (it is never said if it is a senator or a representative or anything) over the freedom to put decorations up in the town.

He keeps all the freedom he stole in that weird glass dish.

There is also a subplot involving the mayor’s grandson and some other kids at the local high school taking back the winter play and turning it back in to the story of Jesus’ birth. Oh, and speaking of Jesus, he is in this movie as a magic hobo or something. I am not really sure, it was weird and dumb. The movie also begins and ends with a Ronald Reagan quote, so there’s that too.

The guy that looks like he sells knives at the flea market is supposed to be Jesus.

How Bad Is It?

Before I start with all the reasons this movie is bad for your mental well being I will outline why it is bad for your eyes and ears. The first thing I noticed was that this movie had the cinematography of a soap opera. Actually, that is not fair to soap operas, my friends in college literally made a movie with better shot composition than Last Ounce Of Courage. The titles and special effects for the movie look like they were made in After Effects, but not the newest version, the version from a few years ago that community access channels use. Some of the shots were shaky, or fast, or pointless, and more than once I noticed that the audio was over-modulated. No, it was not the theater I saw it in, the audio was legitimately over-modded.

You can’t tell from the picture, but this scene sounds terrible.

Aside from all that Last Ounce Of Courage also had some of the worst acting I have ever seen appear on screen. The emotion was so forced and fake every scene that was supposed to be emotional just came off as humorous. None of the actors can cry, and they all were supposed to at some point. The kids were the worst. The grandson made one facial expression the entire movie, no matter what the scene was.

This is his angry face. No, seriously, he is supposed to be outraged here.

I would like to say one more time that I hate politics. I think it is totally fine to say what you believe in a movie, that is what cinema is all about: someone expressing themselves artistically. However, if you take away the artistic aspect you just get propaganda, which is what this was. The whole movie the antagonist represents some group. It never says what group or organization, but it becomes very clear very fast that the group is democrats. I do not hate that the movie is anti-democrat, but the way they portray them is completely absurd. The movie says that democrats hate freedom and are doing everything they can to take it away from all citizens. It also says that if you believe in the separation of church and state then you are un-american. When you take things to that extreme so blatantly with no artistic merit it becomes hateful.

Pictured: One of the actors trying to pull the producer’s head out of his own ass.

The thing that really put this movie over the edge in terms of being terrible was the way they used soldiers dying in the middle east to manipulate the audiences feelings to support their message. It literally made me feel physically ill. To take such a tragic thing and use it to force people to see things your way is truly disgusting and makes everyone involved with this movie a reprehensible person in my eyes.

So how bad was Last Ounce Of Courage? It was so bad that if I was not already writing in Nicolas Cage for president this November I would vote straight democratic just to get back at the people who made it. Feel free to use the comment box below to argue with me about this movie, but make sure you have seen it first, if I went to the trouble of seeing something I did not want to see before forming an opinion on it you should do me the same courtesy.

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62 Responses to “HOW BAD IS IT?!: Last Ounce Of Courage”

  1. Freedoms for all says:

    The cinematography was not to good but the movie had an interesting point that our freedoms are being taken and we need to do something to prevent this. Honestly, I would see this movie again, no matter what the critics say… This movie deserves an “A” in my book. I liked the music too.

  2. G-reene Stance says:

    Just wanted to say Justin, I enjoyed your article very much. It is incredible that you can put up with the nonsense of the uneducateded and misinformed im seeing below. It’s boggling that people actually believe what they are writing here, being so ludicrous and far from the truth. I also snuck in with the same kind of idea you shared. I would never waste my time seeing a movie i know for a fact I wouldn’t enjoy and in this case change my idea of what i thought. In this case, i was wrong. I should have never seen the movie given the hateful messages it brought and how disgusted i would be witnessing it. These comments danm near brought tears my eyes. No not because of the support of these beliefs but that people actually had the gal to say that it was a good movie. Other than Chuck Norris, i’m pretty sure it got the Koch seal of approval as well. I didn’t know so many people these days still lived thinking that we should govern ourselves with the same policy as our “forefathers.” 8 years back, at the age of 13, I could already see there was something wrong with aligning any sect, group, or religion entirely with evil (in this case, homosexuals, liberals, every religion other than the christian brotherhood) was not only wrong but bigoted and redonker. I’m definitely bookmarking this site and am going to check out some other reviews of yours. As the almighty Sam L said, wake UP people, watch news without bias, more news, more news with the source being diverse, than you can share what you think. Maybe than thinking people can take you seriously. You know, people open to change and open-minded to new ideas. Until than take the cotten out your ears and put it in your mouth. If not than I say to you stick it. All things aside, thanks for sharing

  3. G-reene Stance says:

    Love you share. I didn’t think anyone else watched movies with the same idea, as said cinematic case studies. Just wasn’t smart enough to think of it. Agreed, agreed, disagreed. just kidding i agree.

  4. G-reene Stance says:

    Hey you started small to bring change just like the slightly-larger-than-ant-life protagonist main character of this propoganda film. See that people?! you cant hate on him for that. Although, you’ll probably show hate to him for every other point he’s made. You are do-duh-do idiots.

  5. G-reene Stance says:

    LOL. You speak of twisting information yet you put words in the authors mouth. No one in 20’s or 30’s has any grip on speaking truth or to you any value to their word? I could go on but oh GOD, JESUS CHRIST!

  6. rd says:

    the usa was founded by “deists”. they were 18th century intellectuals who believed in “First Cause”.
    they also had great reverence for the hebrew bible. the usa was not founded by ch-stians.
    still, it seems that the movie gives an encouraging message to people to stand up to the
    tyranny of political correctness. and particularly, to vote for romney vs obama. obama epitomizes
    socialism, islam and the oppression of the people.

    since he was elected, there is a de facto fascism in this country. if you speak against him you are branded “racist, islamaphobic bigot”. very sad, but very true.

    i used to be on the left and hated republicans with passion. now i am more conservative and although some issues i am liberal on, this country is heading towards the brink with socialist/muslim obama. romney is a decent human being and will help this country.

    i think this movie is coming out at this time to inspire people to stand up against
    the creeping socialism that is eroding our freedoms. i am not chr-stian . for me, public religious displays …it depends where and when.

    1st amendment says congress shall make no law re the gov’t cannot restrict religious expression.

    anyway, i have had it with liberal/lefties who try to silence opposition. and i have had it with the pro-islamic/anti israel, anti-american tone from obama and co.

    vote romney 2012!!

  7. rd says:

    one more thing: having chr-stianity in schools… i used to work in schools where the students would use the lunch period to hold religious meetings. they would try to get
    me to stay. that is coercion and i didn’t like it. while the usa has freedom of religion, there is not freedom to coerce, is there?

    still, our country needs to be saved. we need to bring back troops as much as possible; we need to be outspoken about a very real war against terror, and we need to stop all this p.c. bullsh-t. obama is trying to downsize the military and apologize to our enemies and that just makes them bolder.

    if it weren’t for real people who are true heroes, like in this movie, we wouldn’t have this country. but the key is religious tolerance. where religion is concerned that’s what we need.

  8. rd says:

    one last thing:
    i have to be honest here, as a former hard core lefty: i do not hear one ounce of intelligence coming from the left. they blather and sputter and have no substance to their ideas or criticisms of republicans, for the most part. even when i was on the left; republicans, who i then hated, used to be always willing to have discussions; intelligent ones..but the left? now? oh hell ho. if they smell a disagreement with you they sputter and call you names. they are ruining this country. there is no longer any ‘democratic’ party is a party of socialists. WTF happened?

  9. MusingLew says:

    The country certainly wasn’t founded by “deist”. Revisionist history is a plague to this country. Here are the signers of The Declaration of Independence:
    Religious Affiliation
    # of
    % of





    Unitarian or Universalist


    Name of Signer
    Religious Affiliation

    Charles Carroll

    Samuel Huntington

    Roger Sherman

    William Williams

    Oliver Wolcott

    Lyman Hall

    Samuel Adams

    John Hancock

    Josiah Bartlett
    New Hampshire

    William Whipple
    New Hampshire

    William Ellery
    Rhode Island

    John Adams
    Congregationalist; Unitarian

    Robert Treat Paine
    Congregationalist; Unitarian

    George Walton

    John Penn
    North Carolina

    George Ross

    Thomas Heyward Jr.
    South Carolina

    Thomas Lynch Jr.
    South Carolina

    Arthur Middleton
    South Carolina

    Edward Rutledge
    South Carolina

    Francis Lightfoot Lee

    Richard Henry Lee

    George Read

    Caesar Rodney

    Samuel Chase

    William Paca

    Thomas Stone

    Elbridge Gerry

    Francis Hopkinson
    New Jersey

    Francis Lewis
    New York

    Lewis Morris
    New York

    William Hooper
    North Carolina

    Robert Morris

    John Morton

    Stephen Hopkins
    Rhode Island

    Carter Braxton

    Benjamin Harrison

    Thomas Nelson Jr.

    George Wythe

    Thomas Jefferson
    Episcopalian (Deist)

    Benjamin Franklin
    Episcopalian (Deist)

    Button Gwinnett
    Episcopalian; Congregationalist

    James Wilson
    Episcopalian; Presbyterian

    Joseph Hewes
    North Carolina
    Quaker, Episcopalian

    George Clymer
    Quaker, Episcopalian

    Thomas McKean

    Matthew Thornton
    New Hampshire

    Abraham Clark
    New Jersey

    John Hart
    New Jersey

    Richard Stockton
    New Jersey

    John Witherspoon
    New Jersey

    William Floyd
    New York

    Philip Livingston
    New York

    James Smith

    George Taylor

    Benjamin Rush

    As one can clearly see there are but two Deists in that entire list. Both, which I might add, attended Episcopal church regularly. We can go through this same exercise for the Articles of Confederation or the Constitution if you’d like. The country was most certainly founded by Christians sir. Not that I’m all that religious but perversion of our founding history is poorly educating entire generations.

  10. MusingLew says:

    Another misrepresentation of history Justin. George Washington wasn’t in office in 1797. The treaty you speak of was ratified under President Adams. There are many things errant in the way that you are presenting the treaty but rather than argue that I would simply imply that you may be better served if you actually studied the issue for a better understanding.

  11. MusingLew says:

    Your poor understanding and research do not change the facts sir. Neither does your revisionist public education.

  12. MusingLew says:
