Movie: Warm Bodies
Director: Jonathan Levine
Screenplay: Jonathan Levine
Studio: Mandeville Films

I am so over zombies. What started out as a great horror metaphor for wasted life has turned into a mainstream pop culture obsession in the last few years and it killed whatever scare power the once mighty undead creature had. When I heard that a zombie themed romance movie was being made I thought of Twilight and assumed the worst. I wanted to hate Warm Bodies before it even started, but no more than ten minutes after the opening credits I could not help falling in love with the film.

Warm Bodies is set after the zombie apocalypse happens and humanity has been pushed back to a barricade inside of a city. At its core this film is a love story between the zombie “R” and Julie, the daughter of the man in charge of the last form of a military the humans have left. R saves Julie from a zombie attack and they start to develop a relationship as they realize that R is becoming more and more human as the movie progresses.

Along with the romance (which is not as cheesy and dumb as you would think) there is plenty of action and comedy. The laughs come effortlessly as the extremely awkward R tries to woo Julie. This is not so much a zombie love story as it is an indie romance between a socially inept boy and a confident girl. No need to worry, however, as scenes of love and quirkiness are broken up by stark reminders that everyone is very much in danger of being eaten at any given point. Beautiful flashback sequences are made tragic when you remember that they are happening because someone’s brain is being devoured. The plot moves along at just the right pace with just the right mix of horror and love, making Warm Bodies a really fun movie.

Warm Bodies is a genre defying blend of zombie flicks and offbeat romance that any fans of horror, comedy, or romance will be sure to enjoy. The overall story may be kind of a dumb “love conquers all” message but with a stellar soundtrack and superb acting Warm Bodies is definitely a film people will remember for years to come.

Score: B+

Review written by: Justin Proper

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