Eisley Come Close, But Don’t Make Kickstarter Goal

Eisley failed to make their Kickstarter goal. Looks like they won’t be touring the way they wanted to.

With Currents, their new album due out next week, Eisley set up a Kickstarter to help them raise the funds they needed to tour more comfortably with four new additions; their kids. So instead of packing everyone in a van, they were aiming for a bus. While handwritten lyrics and past demos seemed like a good idea when they set up the pledge levels, they didn’t meet their goal. While 1 of 10 art guitars weren’t enough to get anyone interested, Eisley did come pretty close to their goal of $100,000 with a $60,277 thanks to the idea of handwritten lyrics and a copy of Currents, among other things.

Come June 6, Eisley will hit the road with Say Anything but they just won’t have the luxury of heading out in bus. At least they have family, right?

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