UTG’s 31 Days Of Halloween: ‘I Didn’t Come Here To Die’

Of all the holidays celebrated worldwide, no single day is more loved by the UTG staff than Halloween. With the arrival of October, the time has finally come to begin rolling out a plethora of features and special announcements we have prepared in celebration of our favorite day, including the one you’re about to read.

31 Days Of Halloween is a recurring daily feature that will run throughout the month of October. The hope and goal of this column is to supply every UTG reader with a daily horror (or Halloween themed) movie recommendation that is guaranteed to amplify your All Hallows’ Eve festivities. We’ll be watching every film the day it’s featured, and we hope you’ll follow along at home. If you have a suggestion, contact us and we may include your favorite scarefest in an upcoming column!


Day 15: I Didn’t Come Here To Die

If there is one setup in horror we’re all far too familiar with it’s when a group of beautiful twenty-somethings (often pretending to be teens) decide spending time alone in the woods is better than the security of suburbia. Small variations arise, of course, but by and by the ingredients for these films are mostly the same, which makes any movie that finds a new way to present this idea something truly worthy of merit. That is the case with today’s film, and as long as you have access to movie streaming services you can probably watch it for free in no time at all.

I Didn’t Come Here To Die is probably one of the most fitting titles of any horror film ever made. The setup, as teased above, follows a group of volunteers who are working on a humanitarian effort deep in the woods. One by one the members of the team begin to die, often in increasingly odd ways, but try as they might the survivors cannot seem to pinpoint the source of the evil. Is it a killer? Has one of them turned on the others? A series of horrific events and poorly thought out decision making causes the body count to rise quickly, and without giving anything away it turns out the truth behind the terror is one far simpler than you might imagine.

Everyone I know seems to have a similar opinion on what horror films ‘should be,’ and more often than not this opinion boils down to people being chased/tormented by tangible or intangible entities until one or no survivors remain. I Didn’t Come Here To Die recognizes that many people go into horror films expecting this narrative to play out and uses it to catch viewers completely off guard with one of the most creatively devised tales of terror in the woods in recent cinematic memory. It’s the kind of film you feel unsure about going in, but as the death toll rises you find yourself creeping closer and closer to the edge of your seat, giddy with excitement over whatever may lie ahead. If that doesn’t sound like fun to you, then I certainly won’t be spending Halloween at your house.

I Didn’t Come Here To Die is available now on DVD and Amazon instant video. Find it, watch it, and then tell everyone you know to do the same.


Editorial written by: James Shotwell
Last year’s Day 15 film: The Hills Have Eyes

James Shotwell
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