Domain Names Hint To Possible ‘Batman Vs. Superman’ Official Title

For weeks, even months now, I have written up on a lot of the awesome and exciting news surrounding Man of Steel‘s sequel, the first DC comics based film of this generation to feature a crossover between characters.

Through all the rumors, casting announcements, and everything in between, the film has only been referred to as Batman vs. Superman. While catchy and intriguing at the least, this title has never been confirmed as official, even though most, if not all of the individuals working on the film referred to it as such.

But, we now may have some more insight into where Warner Bros. wishes to take the title. In a slew of website domain registrations, it seems that Warner Bros. is claiming rights to a bunch of possible titles, mainly to detract from any copyright issues.

Out of the many listed, some personal favorite possibilities are Man of Steel: Battle the Knight, Man of Steel: Shadow of the Night, and Man of Steel: The Darkness Within. These could all be potential film titles, or they may not be. But, something interesting to note, is that the recently released video game, Batman: Arkham Origins, title was found by one of these massive domain registrations.

What do you think of these titles? Are any of them better than Batman vs. Superman? Are you surprised that they are beginning these possible titles with “Man of Steel?”

Drew Caruso
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