Stand-Up Tuesdays is a weekly comedy spotlight written by the wonderfully talented Angie Frissore. Covering both known and unknown comics, Stand-up Tuesdays is your new source for all things funny.

This week, Angie puts a spotlight on Mike Cody’s comedy career. If you or your comedy troupe would like to be featured on Stand-Up Tuesdays, please email

One of Rooftop Comedy’s year-end releases has shot to the top of my list of personal favorites. Comedian Mike Cody’s new album, I Don’t Want To Take a Nap, is definitely a Rooftop gem as Cody cracks wise about dating, ’80s wrestling, and old-timey baseball in hilarious fashion. In what is probably the best accidental testimonial I’ve ever heard, one laughing audience member sums it up quite succinctly when he shouts, “I’m gonna die!”

Perhaps it’s Cody’s choice of material that immediately pulled me in, as he cites just how creepy and effective children are in horror movies and waxes nostalgic about using any and all action figures as wrestling characters (both are things I can more than identify with). He’s a likable guy who immediately puts himself on the same level as his audience by opening with a bit about second-rate, forgotten Halloween candy that most can relate to, creating a personal bond from the start.

Cody is a delight to listen to as he possesses a great deal of vocal skill, interjecting impressions of the “Super Friends” announcer and Alan Rickman into his set – ultimately resulting in an incredibly engaging and entertaining performance. Add to that a brilliant Ric Flair “Woo!” and you’ve got yourself some pure comedy gold.

I Don’t Want To Take a Nap culminates in what is most likely my new favorite bit, as Cody cites his desire to become an 1800’s-era baseball heckler and launches into a few choice zingers that will have me quipping, “Oh, pitchahh…” for days to come.

You’re going to want to familiarize yourself with New York’s Mike Cody and grab yourself a copy of I Don’t Want To Take a Nap for Christmas today. Do it!

Grade: A

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