‘Young Ones’ Trailer: Michael Shannon, Elle Fanning, And More Fight To Survive The Future

We love Michael Shannon here at UTG. Even when he’s not the star of a film, the sheer fact he’s decided to grace any set with his presence is enough to get our money. Young Ones, which arrives this fall, is his latest work.

The future sucks. Okay, maybe that is not a fact, but if you look at the vast majority of Hollywood stories set at any point beyond five years from now things seem to be going to shit. Society collapses, supplies run short, and before long everyone is living their own personal Mad Max fantasy. Young Ones, which opened at Sundance earlier this year, tells the story of a teenage boy who sets out to protect his family and survive in a time where water is scarce. He also appears to be in love with his sister, which may lead to one or two insanely awkward sequences not shown in the trailer. You can view the preview below:

Elle Fanning has really made it a point to pick high profile indie roles over the last year, and she seems poised yet again to receive a ton of praise for her choice to tackle the role of Mary Holm in this film. Her brother may be the quote/unquote ‘hero,’ but it looks like she will play an equally important role in the film.

Also, did you see Michael Shannon? It looks like things may not go well for him, but I bet the time he spends on screen is nothing short of enthralling. Keep being a bad-ass, Michael.

Young Ones is set to be released stateside in October. I’m not sure if this film will hit VOD the same day as it arrives in theaters, but I will make a note to update you as soon as more information becomes available. Follow UTG on Twitter for updates.

James Shotwell
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