Extended ‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron’ Trailer Released

“I’m going to show you something beautiful…”

It has been three weeks since we were gifted with the viewing of the first Avengers: Age Of Ultron trailer, and I am still swooning over it. But, it has been a long three weeks, though we may rest at ease for a new version of the trailer has been released that features some exciting new footage.

Still, to this day to finally see Ultron in his full, collected form as he shall appear in the film only solidifies my anticipation for his screen debut, and if James Spader’s voice work shown in the trailers isn’t enough to get you excited about the film, I don’t know what will.

The new trailer showcases more scenes based in the Avengers tower post-party/gala/we don’t know yet thing, and gives possible insight into why the team looks so frazzled during it. Ultron crashes the party by sending two Iron Man robots through the walls, making a grand entrance. Cut to some new imagery of the team disheveled from the destruction of Ultron, and this new trailer overhaul is able to calm my palate for (a few) weeks to come.

If you are still with me and have yet to jump ahead to see the extended trailer, what are you waiting for?

Drew Caruso
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