Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter


I really do not think it would be a stretch to say that this weekend would have been easy to predict for the top box office slot. Pixar’s new movie Brave claimed the title raking in more green than the lush Scottish countryside most of the film was set in. Honest Abe failed to be a […]


Movie lovers rejoice! This weekend’s new releases are not all terrible! For the kids and Pixar lovers (which, let’s be honest, is everyone) make sure to go check out Brave. The indie film lovers get a wide release this weekend with Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World which looks to have a pretty […]

MOVIE TRAILER: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

The first trailer for the upcoming adaptation of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter has arrived. Set against a remixed version of Johnny Cash’s “The Man Comes Around” monologue, our first glimpse at Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is one that is sure to spark online debate. From the looks of it, 20th Century Fox pulled out all […]

Trent Reznor not going vampire

Trent Reznor will NOT be starring in the new vampire flick Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter according to his latest update from Nine Inch Nails official website. Click past the link to view his statement.