Siren Song of the Counter Culture

10 YEARS LATER: Rise Against’s ‘Siren Song of the Counter Culture’

If you were to look at Pitchfork’s scathing 2.9/10 review of Rise Against’s third studio album today, you’ll find more snark-filled jabs against young adult angst and punk ideologies stuffed into a letter to Ralph Nader than you could shake an X-emblazoned fist at. Plenty has changed in the past ten years since that was […]

UTG LIST: 10-Year Album Anniversaries We Want To See Celebrated In 2014

The majority of our staff was in high school a decade back and as 10-year anniversary tours have seemingly become a staple in the genres we held closest to our hearts at the time (and still), we’ve grown to accept this fact and find it only appropriate that we again look back and pinpoint our […]