

Tallhart Robbed Of Everything In Chicago

Equal Vision Records outfit Tallhart were robbed of clothes, shoes, electronics, and a ton of gear and equipment in Chicago last night. Read a message from the band and feel free to help them out by purchasing something from their online store. Let the tour continue! Hey everyone. So, we were robbed last night and […]

Code Orange Kids Robbed, Ask For Help

I was robbed once in college; I was a music major who had his primary instrument stolen. It was emotionally devastating even after I got my stuff back (yes, sometimes, the police do catch the criminal). Pittsburgh rockers Code Orange Kids recently got robbed on tour, and I can only wish them the best. When […]

Vanna’s trailer stolen!

Terrible news from the Vanna front informed us earlier today that their trailer was stolen!! Items taken included: guitar cabs, bass cabs, drums, and a ton of merchandise. Read a message from vocalist Davey Muise here.