women arent funny

STAND-UP TUESDAYS: Bonnie McFarlane (Interview)

Stand-Up Tuesdays is a weekly comedy spotlight written by the wonderfully talented Angie Frissore. Covering both known and unknown comics, Stand-up Tuesdays is your new source for all things funny. This week, Angie puts a spotlight on Bonnie McFarlane’s comedy career. If you or your comedy troupe would like to be featured on Stand-Up Tuesdays, please email utgjames@gmail.com. […]

‘Women Aren’t Funny’ Trailer: Do Women Have A Place In Comedy?

Hold on, internet. Before you go reaching for pitchforks, torches, and whatever DDOS attacks you may plan against people who hate women online, please know that the headline above does not reflect our views in any way. Sometimes in order to create a great film you need to ask tough questions, and if those questions […]