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Lady Gaga Takes Us To Space On New Single “Venus”

Remember when people were talking about how Lady Gaga was losing it? Was that only a few weeks ago? The talk of Gaga losing her bizarre, hit-making touch will return, but that tide has subsided a bit for now. That’ll happen when you drop a monster collaboration with R. Kelly on the world. With the […]

Required Listening: Lady Gaga Featuring R. Kelly – “Do What U Want”

I know “Applause” did not impress many longtime followers of Mother Monster, and the whole wandering the woods naked thing was a bit odd, but stop whatever you’re doing right now and give Lady Gaga one more chance to sell you on her forthcoming album ARTPOP. “Do What U Want” is the latest track to […]

Lady Gaga And The Muppets Team Up For A Christmas Special

Who else would you want to see sing Christmas carols with The Muppets other than the walking caricature that is Lady Gaga? She herself often looks like a Henson project gone mad, so why not? Those worried Kermit won’t want to work with Gaga since she once wore an outfit made of little Kermits in […]

Lady Gaga Releases Video For “Aura” Off ‘Machete Kills’

Lady Gaga is making her big screen debut on the upcoming action flick, Machete Kills. As she is a musician at heart, it only makes sense that she would write a song for the movie. When the trailer for Machete Kills was initially released, fans got a brief glimpse into what the song would sound […]

Empire of the Sun Remix Lady Gaga’s “Applause”

Following the lead of Purity Ring, earlier today the Australian duo Empire of the Sun became the most recent group to take a stab at Lady Gaga’s “Applause.” You can check the remix out for yourself at the bottom of this post, after the jump. Still flying high off the release of their most recent full-length […]

Azealia Banks Says Lady Gaga Stole Her Song Title

Today’s most outspoken rapper Azealia Banks loves nothing more than making trouble, and she’s gone and picked another fight again. This time she’s throwing punches at the big names, claiming pop icon Lady Gaga stole her song titles… based off two words. As FACT notes, Banks and Gaga recorded a track called “Red Flame” together in […]

Watch Lady Gaga’s ‘Wizard of Oz’ Performance of “Applause” On ‘Good Morning America’

It seems Lady Gaga is still trying to outdo Katy Perry with “Applause” off her upcoming album ARTPOP by performing it every chance she gets. This time she tried by doing it Wizard of Oz style on Good Morning America. Gaga started out reminding people that she can actually sing with her rendition of “Somewhere […]

Lady Gaga Claims Perez Hilton Is Stalking Her

Oh, Mother Monster, what have you gone and done now? Hours before Lady Gaga took over New York for the premiere of her “Applause” video, the queen of all things theatrical in modern pop music made waves online for a story that has almost nothing whatsoever to do with her highly-anticipated new album. It is […]

Lady Gaga Releases “Applause” Video

You may want to start your second cup of coffee before watching the video at the end of this post. Consider yourself warned. Following an early morning New York City takeover, which included projecting the following clip on the world famous screens in Times Square, Lady Gaga has made the official video for “Applause” available […]

Lady Gaga Streams “Applause”

Move over, Katy Perry. Mother Monster is back in action and aiming for that number one spot with the early release of her new single, “Applause.” Debuting online Monday afternoon following a weekend littered with high and low quality leaks, Lady Gaga has made “Applause” available for streaming ahead of its scheduled release. Taking to […]

Lady Gaga Reveals ‘ARTPOP’ Release Date, Single Details

It’s hard to believe it, but two years have passed since Lady Gaga blessed the world with Born This Way. Once the hype from that release died down, Gaga remained quiet for many months, but this morning that all changed with the long-awaited release announcement for ARTPOP. Taking to Facebook with a new image and […]

Lady Gaga Postpones Born This Way Ball Performances

The one and only Lady Gaga has announced that her performances in Chicago, Hamilton and Detroit are all going to be postponed due to an injury she sustained while on tour. According to the official statement on her website (which you can also read below) she has synovitis which is causing her a lot of […]