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Weezer cover Toni Braxton

Weezers cover of ‘Unbreak My Heart’ by Toni Braxton can be streamed here.

Weezer b-side album stream

Weezer are currently streaming their album of unreleased material, Death To False Metal, here. Death To False Metal hits stores November 2 alongside the deluxe edition of Pinkerton.

Weezer begin work on new album

According to a report from NME, Weezer have already begun working on a follow-up to 2010’s Hurley.

Weezer leaks two more songs for reissues

Two unreleased tracks are being added to re-issues of “Pinkerton” and “Death To False Metal” check them out after the jump.

Weezer offered $10 Million to breakup

A man by the name of Mr. Burns (seriously) has made Weezer an offer most would find hard to refuse.

Weezer add Chicago to Memories Tour Lineup

Look at all the confirmed tour dates after the jump!

Weezer Reveals ‘Pinkerton’ Deluxe Edition

View the track listing for Weezer’s deluxe edition of ‘Pinkerton’ after the jump.

Hurley from LOST joins Weezer On Stage

Check out their version of “Perfect Situation” after the jump!

Weezer Playing Blinkerton Tour

Epitaph Records have announced that this winter Weezer will be playing their first two albums in back to back dates. More info after the jump!

New Weezer Video for “Memories”

The guys from Weezer teamed up with the Jackass crew to film their new video. check it out after the jump!

Weezer Signs To Epitaph

New record label and new album next month.

Weezer Has Gone Indie

Details after the jump!