Attack Attack! stream “Criminal”

Attack Attack! are currently streaming the bonus song, “Criminal,” from their self-titled reissue that can be heard by heading past the link provided. Take a listen to this new direction the band took and let us know how you feel about it.

Asking Alexandria banned from venue

With the number of people who outspokenly hate this band, I have to imagine that some of you may read this headline and think to yourself, ‘Haha, awesome, yes!’ I will openly admit that the aforementioned reaction was that of my own. However, for those of you who may be avid Asking Alexandria haters, who […]

Danny Worsnop has words for Architects

Recent words have been thrown around from the lead singer of Asking Alexandria, Danny Worsnop, attacking the band Architects (UK). He has stated that Architects (UK) have ripped off Alexisonfire. Read what the singer has to say right here.

Asking Alexandria release news

It has been revealed that Asking Alexandria is going to release their new single “Morte et Dabo” next Tuesday. Their new album entitled Reckless & Relentless will hit the shelves on April 5th.