
UTG PREMIERE: Golden Python – “Circus”

Containing members from a variety of projects whose genres ranged from math-rock to multi-drummer metal, Golden Python are far from lacking when it comes to musical ideas and influences. Thus, it’s no surprise that there’s plenty to hear within their brand new single, “Circus.” Hailing from the outfit’s wonderfully titled debut album, Matt Damon vs. […]

The Banshee Pilot Teaser Will Make Your Neck Hairs Raise

Just today, a brand new band from the state of Michigan made their debut with a teaser that’s very…dark. Combining the aspects of darkness to make you feel like you’re in a nightmare with that added creepy circus music that everyone just gets terrified from, the debut of Banshee Pilot will leave you with goosebumps […]

THE DROP: New Video from Flux & P, New Free Stuff from Tallan, Stizreth and More!

The evolution of Under The Gun Review continues this week with the latest installment of our electronica feature, The Drop. Written weekly by resident basshead Jake White, The Drop is your go-to source for weekly electronic/dubstep/techno news! If you’re an emerging talent in this area or have a news tip you’d like to see featured, […]