It’s probably too early to call, but I am going to go out on a limb and say this may be the best song you hear (and video you see) all day. If this is your first story of the day, prepare to be wowed. If you’ve been clicking around, get ready to take things […]
STREAM/DOWNLOAD: Frank Ocean ft MeLo-X – White (MeLo-X Gentrification Mix)
March 21st, 2012 James Shotwell
A day after OF Tape Vol 2 arrives in stores, Producer MeLo-X has unleashed his take on Frank Ocean’s solo track. Taking the admittedly simple “White” and making it something much, much more profound, MeLo-Z’s remix of Ocean’s only solo cut from Tape is a fascinating one. Calling it his “Gentrification Mix,” the tune gets […]