jack and jill

EDITORIAL: “That’s My Boy: Does the Failure of Two Adam Sandler Flicks in a Row Signal the End of his Box Office Reign?”

Do movie stars still exist? Summer 2012 seems determined to answer that question with a resounding “No”. Hollywood has long been obsessed with the idea of a box office star – an actor who can reel in a healthy audience to theaters regardless of the quality of their newest picture. With the “guarantee” of a […]

“Jack And Jill” Wins Every Razzie, Makes History, Still Sucks

Talk of Adam Sandler’s descent into mediocrity is now fact. Well, maybe not fact, but at least agreed upon by a large voting committee and that’s good enough for us. Last night, Adam Sandler and his 2011 shitstorm Jack And Jill made history by becoming the first person/feature to win every award given out by […]

[New Feature] HOW BAD IS IT? “Jack And Jill”

Head of the UTG film department and mastermind behind Reasonable Remakes, Justin Proper has brought another new column. Ladies and gentleman, all us to introduce you to: How Bad Is It? Movies are the number one source of entertainment according to a statistic I just made up. Everyone loves going to the movies. It’s a […]

MOVIE TRAILER: Jack And Jill (starring Adam Sandler)

Maybe it is because I grew up on films like Happy Gilmore and The Waterboy, but something about Adam Sandler’s recent contributions to film have felt rather lazy. Aside from impressively dramatic turns in Punch Drunk Love and Funny People, Sandler has been spoon feeding us lowbrow comedy in heaping spoonfuls and his latest doesn’t […]