
REASONABLE REMAKES: 3 Upcoming Remakes & Why They’ll Suck

Under The Gun is continuing our efforts to bring you more original and engaging content with REASONABLE REMAKES. Written by film-nerd Justin Proper, this column aims to highlight Hollywood’s forgotten gems and spark debate. You see, we’ve grown tired of Hollywood rehashing ideas we’re old enough to remember. Why remake something the majority of the planet […]


Under The Gun is continuing our efforts to bring you more original and engaging content with REASONABLE REMAKES. Written by film-nerd Justin Proper, this column aims to highlight Hollywood’s forgotten gems and spark debate. You see, we’ve grown tired of Hollywood rehashing ideas we’re old enough to remember. Why remake something the majority of the planet […]


Under The Gun is continuing our efforts to bring you more original and engaging content this week with the continued deubut of our latest feature, REASONABLE REMAKES. Written by film-nerd Justin Proper, this column aims to highlight Hollywood’s forgotten gems and spark debate. You see, we’ve grown tired of Hollywood rehashing ideas we’re old enough to […]


Under The Gun is continuing our efforts to bring you more original and engaging content this week with the continued deubut of our latest feature, REASONABLE REMAKES. Written by film-nerd Justin Proper, this column aims to highlight Hollywood’s forgotten gems and spark debate. You see, we’ve grown tired of Hollywood rehashing ideas we’re old enough to […]

“Watch The Throne” COULD Go Gold This Week

Though it has only been out for a day, early estimates for Watch The Throne‘s sales are already coming in and 400,000-500,000 copies domestic (USA) seems to be the highest figure we’ve found. Considering the state of the music industry as well as the state of the world currently, you’d think we’d be excited to […]

REASONABLE REMAKES #1 – An Introduction…

Continuing our Summer of new features, UTG is excited to present REASONABLE REMAKES. Written by film-nerd Justin Proper, this column highlights the films that actually deserve more screen time while informing you about some of Hollywood’s forgotten gems. Click through now!

Casey Anthony found NOT GUILTY, musicians react

Casey Anthony has been found NOT GUILTY of murdering her daughter and it seems everyone has an opinion on the subject! Click through now to see what some of your favorite industry people had to say about this controversial decision.