There’s been a lot of buzz around Pup Fresh’s news article claiming that Ronnie walked out on Falling In Reverse due to their shows not selling out. While so far we have not heard from the band, Ronnie or their record label, Ronnie’s wife, Crissy Henderson, has taken to Twitter to deny the allegations. There’s […]
pup fresh
RUMOR: Ronnie Radke Walks Out On Falling In Reverse
Pup Fresh has posted some exclusive information on Ronnie Radke possibly walking out on the band he started, Falling In Reverse. Apparently Ronnie has deleted all of the tweets from his Twitter account, which you can see for yourself, here. Not really sure what the motivation behind that would be, but it probably means something. […]
Paradise Fears Gives Gunz An Album Update
You can thank Pup Fresh for getting me into Paradise Fears. Paradise Fears is a South Dakota pop-rock outfit that makes some incredibly catchy tunes. Last June, the band released their debut full length called Yours Truly. Now, they are ready to head out to Los Angeles for a month and a half to record a […]
Stream a new Set Your Goals clip
PupFresh is currently debuting a clip of a new Set Your Goals song entitled “Certain.” Click here to stream the clip. Set Your Goals new album will be released this summer, followed by dozens, if not hundreds of tour dates. Stay tuned.
New All Time Low interview
Pup Fresh sat down with Rian and Jack from All Time Low in Detroit. See what the guys had to say below: