
WOW: Disney Reports Loss of $200 Million as a Result of John Carter

Okay so normally I just report the music news and let the film news come from the other guys, but this is too rediculous not to report. According to a statement by Walt Disney Studios on Monday (and NYTimes Blog as our source), Disney will have to “take a write down of about $200 million,” […]

Britney Spears capitalizes on music video

Have you seen Britney Spears‘ new music video for “Hold It Against Me?” If you haven’t, check it out (I won’t hold it against you). You may notice a few products which seem to be strategically placed in the video. This is probably because they are strategically placed, and apparently brought in some serious revenue […]

SXSW more popular than ever

According to a new report, SXSW 2010 brought in over 113 million dollars of revenue making it the highest grossing year ever for the Austin, TX festival. have you purchased your passes for SXSW 2011 yet? Deadline for November pricing is SOON.