saoirse ronan

Watch The Excellent Trailer For Wes Anderson’s ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’

Well, folks, it’s finally here! The first trailer for Wes Anderson’s highly anticipated eighth feature, The Grand Budapest Hotel, arrived online this morning, and as if we expected anything else, it’s amazing. With a cast stacked almost beyond belief and some of the swankiest costume design in any of his works, The Grand Budapest Hotel […]

Wes Anderson Reveals First Poster for ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel,’ Premiering First Trailer Thursday

UPDATE: Fox Searchlight has announced that The Grand Budapest Hotel will be released on March, 7 2014! Film lovers rejoice! Well, Wes Anderson lovers at least. We’ve all been on high alert after Moonrise Kingdom as Anderson quickly announced that he was already working on his following feature, The Grand Budapest Hotel. Cast rumors hit […]

‘Star Wars’ Casting Rumor Puts Saoirse Ronan At The Reading Table

Behold! The internet yields yet another Star Wars rumor. Irish actress Saoirse Ronan has supposedly read for a role in the upcoming, long awaited, but possibly not hoped for, Star Wars sequels. With a massive fog of J.J. Abrams related rumors to trudge through, who knows which side of the force these whispers lie. But, […]


Film: The Host Director: Andrew Niccols Starring: Saoirse Ronan, Diane Kruger, William Hurt I want you to do a thought experiment. I want you to imagine The Host without any connection to Stephenie Meyer. Pretend she had nothing to do with it, because without that connection the movie actually sounds pretty great. The Host is […]