Tenacious D have announced the lineup for the 2014 installment of their one-day-only comedy and music extravaganza, Festival Supreme. Joining the group casually known as ‘The D’ for the Los Angeles based event will be a plethora of headlining talent, including Metalocalypse’s Dethklok, Cheech & Chong, The State, Margaret Cho, Nick Kroll, and UTG favorite […]
Tenacious D’s Festival Supreme Reveals 2014 Lineup, Tickets On Sale Friday
See the Old Spice Guy Play Major Lazer in “Scare Me” Video
Normally fictional characters and cartoons are drawn off of someone who already exists. Electronic DJ Major Lazer‘s jacked up, gun-weilding, beret-wearing cartoon self, however, is seeing reverse treatment. In a mini-movie for Scare the Universe’s “Scare Me,” Major Lazer becomes human as Terry Crews, the guy from those Old Spice commercials and The Expendables, takes on […]
Stand-Up Tuesdays is a weekly comedy spotlight written by the wonderfully talented Angie Frissore. Covering both known and unknown comics, Stand-up Tuesdays is your new source for all things funny. This week, Angie puts a spotlight on Erik Griffin’s comedy career. If you or your comedy troupe would like to be featured on Stand-Up Tuesdays, please email […]
Erik Griffin From ‘Workaholics’ Signs To SideOneDummy, Debut Comedy Album Coming
Erik Griffin, the comedian best known for his (ahem) work as Montez Walker on Workaholics, has now signed a contract with SideOneDummy to release his debut comedy album. The album, Technical Foul: Volume One, is coming out March 12; fans can do a pre-order exclusively through Pledge Music Campaign here. Considering you can get a […]
The Black Keys to Guest Star on Workaholics
It’s been announced that Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney (The Black Keys) have wrangled themselves guest spots on an upcoming episode of Comedy Central’s Workaholics! There is an explanation for this rock/comedy match-up; The Black Keys just so happen to be fans of your favorite Comedy Central slackers and became friends with Adam Devine (Adam […]