Film: Lucy Starring: Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman Directed by: Luc Besson Luc Besson has to be messing with us. Either that, or he’s laughing all the way to the bank. The man behind Léon: The Professional, The Fifth Element and The Transporter series is back in theaters this summer with a new film by the […]
‘Lucy’ Defeats ‘Hercules’ With an Astonishing $44 Mil
July 27th, 2014 Adrian Garza
Somehow, someway, Scarlett Johansson’s latest lead effort has done the unexpected and acquired a hefty $44 million dollar gross this opening weekend. Clearly, this news wouldn’t be as shocking if its major competitor wasn’t starred by heavyweight Dwayne Johnson, whose action-packed film, Hercules, had only scooped up about $29 million, according to Rentrak. Lucy’s success […]
WATCH: Scarlett Johansson in First Trailer for Luc Besson’s ‘Lucy’
April 2nd, 2014 Kevin Blumeyer
While Luc Besson has found success in recent years writing and producing the Taken movies, you’d have to go all the way back to 1997’s The Fifth Element to find his last memorable directorial effort. So what does one do when they find themselves in a bit of a rut? Well, they go back to […]