
Cymbals Eat Guitars Post “Warning” and Add Tour Dates

The noise rockers in Cymbals Eat Guitars have a new album entitled LOSE coming out very soon. And the band has been steadily releasing tracks from the effort, and it’s definitely a sleeper pick. As said, they have already posted the album opener “Jackson”, the melodic “Chambers”, and now they have posted the loud and […]

Tyler Carter responds to Woe Is Me update

Not even an hour ago, Woe is Me announced their new lead vocalist, Hance Alligood. Hance is replacing Tyler Carter, a man not only known for fantastic vocal control and melodies, but for his no shit attitude and uncensored statements. Just after the video was released, Carter took to Twitter to say the following:

Kanye West causing seizures?

Apparently, Kanye West’s new “All The Lights” music video is being labeled as a potential health concern. The British organization, Epilepsy Action, asked for the video to be removed from YouTube, but was later posted back up with the following warning: “WARNING: This video has been identified by epilepsy action to potentially trigger seizures for […]