Film: While We’re Young Starring: Ben Stiller, Naomi Watts Directed by: Noah Baumbach Noah Baumbach has spent the majority of his career exploring the idea of identity and what it means to different people at various stages in life. It’s a theme that runs throughout every single one of his works, but never has it […]
while we’re young
‘While We’re Young’ Trailer: Noah Baumbach Teases Another Indie Hit
December 4th, 2014 James Shotwell
I don’t know about you, but I have always felt like Noah Baumbach receives about 5% of the credit he deserves. For over a decade now he has been delivering hit after hit, both for mainstream audiences and those who prefer something a bit more indie. I mean, how many writers can you name who […]
Pegasus Bridge to stream new song every day
October 27th, 2010 Matth
Pegasus Bridge will be streaming a new song every day this week for their upcoming new album While We’re Young. You can hear each new song here.