found footage

HOLY SH*T: “The Bay” Gives Found Footage A Horrifying New Twist

After a decade-plus of shakycam flicks, I am sure I am not the only one who feels like they have seen it all. From creepy trees, to bigfoot, trolls, ghosts, locked asylums, distorted demons, and doors closing themselves, if you can name it – it’s been done (to varying degrees of success). However, a new […]

MOVIE TRAILER: Grave Encounters 2

Our blogging friends over at ShockTilYaDrop got the exclusive on this, but we’re bringing the video to UTG in an attempt to make your lives easier. Grave Encounters was one of the most discussed indie found footage films in 2011. The flick had a small theatrical run, but it’s the 20million+ views for the trailer […]


Under The Gun is continuing our efforts to bring you more original and engaging content with REASONABLE REMAKES. Written by film-nerd Justin Proper, this column aims to highlight Hollywood’s forgotten gems and spark debate. You see, we’ve grown tired of Hollywood rehashing ideas we’re old enough to remember. Why remake something the majority of the planet still […]

VIDEO 2 GO: “388 Arletta Avenue”

UTG is continuing to expand our film coverage with the debut of VIDEO 2 GO, a recurring review column dedicated to features released outside of movie theaters. Whether it’s VOD, online only, or direct-to-dvd, this feature is dedicated to the films destined for the small screen. If you have a film, or even if you […]

VIDEO 2 GO: “Area 407”

UTG is continuing to expand our film coverage with the debut of VIDEO 2 GO, a recurring review column dedicated to features released outside of movie theaters. Whether it’s VOD, online only, or direct-to-dvd, this feature is dedicated to the films destined for the small screen. If you have a film, or even if you […]


Hollywood is about to go big budget with found footage in Chronicle and UTG has your first look at the trailer. The plot, according to the official Youtube page, is as follows: Three high school students make an incredible discovery, leading to their developing uncanny powers beyond their understanding. As they learn to control their […]


Found footage has firmly rooted itself into the modern filmscape and seems destined to remain a staple for years to come. Lucky for us, studios (and indie filmmakers) are slowly leaving the Blair Witch tactic behind in hopes of telling more “true” stories. Amber Alert is one such film and so far, it looks more […]


“Found footage” is a genre even those fiercely devoted to horror have begun to think of as a joke, but not everyone is laughing just yet. Of the two big horror films opening this weekend, the “discovered” footage of Apollo 18 could very likely come out on top of the weekend box office. What’s that? […]