Deadmau5 And Nokia Go 4D In London

Deadmau5 and Nokia teamed up for a once-in-a-lifetime live performance at the Millbank Tower, London on November 28. As a part of the Nokia Lumia 800 launch they filled the 120 metre high building’s 800 windows with vinyl. Then 16 powerful projectors, positioned 300 metres away on the other side of the river, beamed 3D images onto the structure. This created an intense 4D projection that’s absolutely incredible!

I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed anything quite like this. Simply astounding what technology can do nowadays. The shapes, figues and colors that came out of the structure really looked as if it was real life. This is the future of live events as we know it.

Enough talking, go and watch this spectacular event right here on UTG and enjoy this Deamau5/Nokia production!

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