STREAM: Enter Shikari – Gandhi Mate, Gandhi

Even though their Hopeless Records debut is still not schedule to arrive until 2012, Enter Shikari have blessed the internet with yet another brand new song.

Combining their signature near-anarchic approach to political frustration with a mesh of chug-backed synth and screams, “Gandhi Mate, Gandhi” continues Enter Shikari’s dive into a subgenre of rock only they can occupy. It is clear this record will have a lot to say, perhaps even (hopefully) serving as a call to arms and awakening to many,and this song only helps cement that belief. Click through to experience it for yourself.

We could not be more excited for new material from Enter Shikari, but it is becoming abundantly clear that their sound and subject matter is changing to favor their matured world views. What do you think of the material they have released recently? Comment below and let us know!

[soundcloud url=””]

James Shotwell
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12 Responses to “STREAM: Enter Shikari – Gandhi Mate, Gandhi”

  1. Kinda digging this. Really loved their first album, haven’t been crazy about their stuff since.

    Can’t really be mad about them progressing and putting out different stuff, though. I’d prefer that to growing stale.

  2. Luke says:

    I miss take to the skies! political speaches mid song are too boring. These ‘drops’ are getting worse and unfortunately it seems we’ve lost the old shikari

  3. JakeShikari says:

    this is awesome.  don’t stop innovating enter shikari!

  4. Steve Curtis says:

    Oh my lord. Mind. Blown.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Lol boring?! How old are you? 12? They’re focusing on the things that truly matter in this world. They spread the word of the flaws in this world and are encouraging people to take action to help fix it. At the same time they play brilliant, energetic, and diverse music that is unlike anything we have ever heard of. If you like to listen to the same repetetive bullshit and can’t stand change then stand aside. Dont ruin it for us.

  6. Patrick says:

    A Flash Flood of Colour will feature the same members Enter Shikari that created Take to The Skies so many years ago.  It is only natural for artists to progress from their humble beginnings.  I suggest you shut the fuck up and listen.

  7. Bastions_foreva says:

    This is fucking awful 

  8. nigel jibbers says:

    really shit

  9. Nige says:


  10. Kasey says:

    So so sick, love the song. Dont like the outro though, it’s a bit random and shit
    Cannot wait for the album!

  11. Cam says:

    I couldn’t give two shits about their political standpoints, I want good music like they made in common dreads and take to the skies. this is appalling. no rhythm, no signing, just shouting, awful breakdowns and a terrible attempt at dubstep. I was a loyal shikari fan up until this, I’m so disappointed.

  12. Matt Fryy says:

    Absolutely epic.