Austin Carlile accused of stealing lyrics

Austin Carlile, vocalist for Of Mice & Men, has been accused of stealing lyrics for The Flood from Nick Conway of View From An Airplane. A video explaining the situation can be viewed below:

The description that accompanied the video can be found below. We have reached out to Austin and the rest of OM&M for comment, but have yet to hear back.

In November 2010, Austin Carlile( ex Attack Attack,Of Mice and men) contacted Nick Conway of View From an Airplane. Carlile asked nick to sing on a track and send it to him so he did this. Austin loved nick’s part that he wrote for the song. Some time went by and all of a sudden that song ended up on the most current Of Mice and Men record. The song had nicks vocal part in it being sung by someone else. no writing credit was given to Nick for the part. Nick contacted Austin about it and Austin told him that the part was recorded in homage to him. Nick was not happy.

This is the E-mail Nick wrote to Rise Records:

” Back in November Austin Carlile had contacted me about singing in a new band he was forming. He sent me a demo titled “benthrew” with a scratch track of only his vocals and asked me to fill up the bridge with whatever I could come up with. I was given no direction, as Austin wanted to see what I was capable of coming up with as far as melody and vocals go. I sent him the track I had recorded and he told me how much he loved it, but that he hadn’t run it by the label yet. I didn’t hear back from him until he gave me the news he was rejoining Of Mice & Men.
– Nick”

Support Nick Conway and View From An Airplane.

DO NOT SUPPORT Austin Carlile or Of Mice and Men because they steal peoples music. Its people/bands like him that are ruining music for all of us honest musicians who are trying to play honest music.

James Shotwell
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