Mike Mains And The Branches Robbed On Tour, Lose Everything, Promise To Finish

Our Michigan friends in the group Mike Mains And The Branches have been robbed of their touring van as well as all of their gear, money, and personal belongings. Why are there so many assholes in the world today?

UTG cannot answer this question but please be sure to purchase some merchandise or donate money to help this awesome group of people out. Read a statement from the band below and help MMATB finish their tour strong.

“Hey guys, for those of you who haven’t heard, our van was stolen yesterday, with all our gear, personal belongings, and a lot of money in it. We are NOT cancelling this tour, and will finish every date, but we need your help to keep going. If you could donate to help us out, it would really mean a lot. You are our family, and we have always strived to do all we can for you guys. And now it has been incredible to see, just since last night, how many of you have reciprocated by helping us through this challenging period. Please share this post and help us spread the word.”

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