New Funeral For A Friend Album Coming

Funeral For A Friend has a new album coming, called Conduit. It is set to come out on January 29 through Distiller Records. The album will be produced by Romesh Dodangoda.

Vocalist Matthew Davies-Kreye said about the new album’s and the title, “Five people on a stage, a conduit for the message and the music, delivering that to people who want to listen in, be a part of whatever it is that we’re doing and being involved. It’s purely about delivering the message. After 10 years of being a band, we see how much what we’ve done has effected people who care about our stuff. Whether it’s lyrics or whatever, these songs transcend us and become something more to a lot more people. It sounds lofty I know but that’s how it feels to us when we meet the folks who dig our band and who treat these songs with so much love and respect. It blows our minds constantly.

This studio album will be the first since Ryan Richards left the band and was replaced by Pat Lundy.

Dan Bogosian
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