A Day To Remember Tease December 21 Reveal; Post Album Teaser

We knew A Day To Remember would eventually break their longstanding silence about their new album, Common Courtesy, but we had no idea it would be like this.

Just moment ago, all of A Day To Remember’s social networks lit up with a link to their official website. Once that link was clicked, viewers found themselves staring face to face with a countdown clock working its way to midnight on December 21. Why this is happening is still unknown, but a video teaser included with the timer teases new information about the forthcoming album. You can view the time here, or you can click through the “Read more” link and view the video here on UTG.

If I had to guess, my bets are on A Day To Remember releasing a new song December 21. It could very well be the album street date, but I’m sure if that’s the case we’ll see much bigger promotion in the coming weeks. Stay tuned.

James Shotwell
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