MUSIC VIDEO: Danny Trejo – “Get Drunk With Danny Trejo”

Christmas time always leaves us with empty news days, so we figured we might as well keep things interesting and give you a little taste of how much Italy loves one of America’s legendary badasses.

Somewhere in what I can only imagine is an older, but equally dingy basement or foreign equivalent to a VFW hall, there is a hardcore band making quite a splash for themselves under the name Danny Trejo. Yes, just like the action star we all know and love.

Recently, the members of Danny Trejo released their first music video for their aptly titled single, “Get Drunk With Danny Trejo.” The clip features rowdy performance footage in addition to a few scenes featuring Trejo himself and it can be viewed after the jump.

The lyrics for the track are as follows:

“Get Drunk With Danny Trejo:
do you feel the fire when you hear our name
drunk as fuck but we don’t forget
Danny Trejo
will smash your face
no fucking light beers
will ruin your party
only big mustaches
don’t take everything so seriously
life is short and goddamn hard
drink some beers and stage dive
with this shit we say goodbye”

Click through, throw down, and catch a glimpse of what looks to be an insanely fun foreign hardcore scene.

James Shotwell
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