STREAM/DOWNLOAD: Young Statues – “Snow Bunny”

Philadelphia indie-rock outfit, Young Statues have released their holiday song, “Snow Bunny”.

This holiday track is featured on Arbor Christmas: Volume 13, a holiday compilation formed by Jon Montague, who has since passed away.

The idea started as a holiday TV show in which Montague would act as the “celebrity host” while his friends came by and performed songs in his apartment. Since his passing, Montague’s friends and family decided to keep the show going and have done so ever since.

According to the website, they “do the show show every year because it helps us remember Jon, but it’s so much fun for all of us. Nobody ever seems too bothered to put in the work to make it happen each year.”

Stream and download Young Statues’ holiday song, “Snow Bunny”, on the compilation’s BandCamp. Then be sure to check out all the other tracks on the compilation which feature Into It. Over It., Ages, Heartwell and more. The holiday shows can be seen on Vimeo.

Anthony Galasso
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