Sleeping With Sirens Stream “Congratulations” Featuring Matty Mullins

Just a bit over a week away from the release of Feel, Sleeping With Sirens have released the stream of yet another new song.

Featuring the vocal talent of Memphis May Fire frontman Matty Mullins, “Congratulations” is the kind of song Sleeping With Sirens can use to take their career to the next level. Things are just as rock-oriented, if not more, than before, but this time the overall feel is much more straightforward than anything found on the group’s previous two studio albums. It’s like SWS recognized the ceiling of scene popularity was fast approaching and decided to start working on a mainstream takeover. If that is indeed the case, “Congratulations” should take them far. You can stream the song at the end of this post.

“Congratulations” is the fourth Feel song to surface online. If you enjoyed any of the singles so far, please be a good music fan and support Sleeping With Sirens by purchasing Feel when it hits stores June 4 through Rise Records. Until then, comment below and let us know your thoughts on this song!

James Shotwell
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