‘Jupiter Ascending’ Pushed Back To February 2015

The world will have to wait just a bit longer to see Channing Tatum in all his elf-eared glory.

Warner Bros. has announced that the upcoming summer blockbuster Jupiter Ascending has been delayed until February 6, 2015. The film was originally scheduled to open in six weeks on July 18. No reason has been given for the change, but there are a few theories floating around that are worth discussing.

First and most likely to be claimed by Warner Bros. in the weeks ahead is that the Wachowski Brothers needed a little more time to finalize the film’s spectacular special effects. The early trailers have relied heavily on space imagery and futuristic designs, all of which takes an incredible amount of time to render.

The second idea, and honestly the one that feels more accurate, is that Warner Bros. has very little faith in the film.

All early reports have been strong, but the strange story line, not to mention the bad experience many had with the Wachowski’s Cloud Atlas, have some analysts worried audiences will wait for VOD or even streaming before giving the film a chance.

Whatever the case, it’s a bit of a bummer to know we no longer have an absolutely crazy science fiction film waiting for us in the middle of next month. Jupiter Ascending will now open against the long-delayed Jeff Bridges film Seventh Son, which has been pushed back numerous times due to worries over box office performance. You can view the trailers for both films, which may make for the best-worst stoner double feature 3D afternoon in recent history, below.

James Shotwell
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