Every Weezer Fan Needs To Spend Time With ‘You Blue It!’ This Week

It’s truly rare that a covers album rises above the level of novelty to become something worth longtime admiration. Of the dozens, if not hundreds of covers releases and compilations created every year, only a handful are ever deemed worthy of coverage by the vast majority of press, and of those few even less are ever spoken of in a positive light. It would certainly appear that people enjoy a good cover, but only to a certain degree, and I’ll be the first to admit that that certainly applies to me. To be completely honest, I have only found one covers release in 2014 that has been so good I wanted to hear it in full more than a single time, and that album belongs to Topshelf Records’ indie punk outfit You Blew It!

Whether you discovered Weezer‘s iconic Blue Album when it was released in 1994 or at some point in the mid-2000s when your older sibling allowed you to explore their music collection, it’s likely you remember the rush of energy and excitement you felt as the first few notes of music reached your ears. Twenty years after the album’s debut in stores, You Blew It! have given five classic Weezer tracks a modern spin and delivered a delightful EP cleverly titled You Blue It!

The songs covered include, “In The Garage,” “My Name Is Jonas,” “Only In Dreams,” “Surf Wax America,” and the Mallrats favorite “Susanne.”

You can stream the full EP below.

Call me crazy, but this may very well be the best covers release of 2014.

Unfortunately, the initial vinyl run of You Blue It! has already sold out. Digital copies are available now on the Topshelf Store.

James Shotwell
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