Orenda Fink Shares “Holy Holy”

Singer-songwriter and beloved Azure Ray member Orenda Fink continued to promote her upcoming solo album this morning by sharing a new song titled “Holy Holy.”

Premiering on American Songwriter just as the sun was beginning to rise, “Holy Holy” is a soft and melancholy song that sticks to your bones long after your initial encounter has come to an end. Blue Dream, the album from which the song hails, is based on a year long meditation on death following the passing of Fink’s dog. I don’t know where “Holy Holy” fits into that meditation, but it’s certainly a calming, albeit heartbreaking listening experience:

Writing about the story behind the song, Fink offers “I wrote ‘Holy Holy’ when I was mournfully struggling over themes of mortality. How can we love so deeply when we know that all relationships will end in death? And what happens to that love then? Does it become an orphan- a lonely ghost that leads you into the abyss or can it be redeemed in a place where there is no mortality? A place like your dreams? These were the questions on my mind, driving me to search my heart for an ounce of transcendence. I literally wept while I was writing it. I feel like the production of the song is an extension of those emotions. Ben Brodin’s swimmy guitars and the angelic voices of Christine Fink and Pearl Boyd perfectly expressed my feelings musically.”

Blue Dream is set for release August 19 through Saddle Creek.

James Shotwell
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