Warped Hangout With Mayday Parade, The Story So Far, Blackbird And Photographer Tom Falcone

Sometimes weird stuff happens when you’re on the road and it’s best to just let the camera roll. UTG TV likes to jump on those opportunities and this was the perfect instance to do so.

When the press area in Wantagh, NY for the Vans Warped Tour started slowing down, a unique combination of people were left “shooting the shit,” as they say. Derek Sanders of Mayday Parade, Kelen Capener of The Story So Far, Gia Farrell and Kandice Brending of Blackbird, and professional touring photographer Tom Falcone can be seen in this video hanging out and interviewing each other.

Crucial topics of conversation consisted of Doritos and Pop-Tarts flavors, Derek Sanders’ filthy feet, how everyone was confused about what was going on, and why Falcone has blisters on his fingers. As per usual, Kelen is out of his mind and I’m not sure I have any concept of what he’s talking about 90% of the time, but once again, that’s completely okay.

Check below for some random debauchery brought to you only through Under The Gun Review.

Produced by: Derek Scancarelli

Derek Scancarelli
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