Oh No, A Play-Doh Movie May Soon Be A Reality

Following the success of The Lego Movie, Hollywood execs began scrambling for other brands from our collective childhood that could be easily converted into box office gold. While I’m not sure 20th Century Fox has a sure thing on their hands, the studio’s latest acquisition is turning more than a few heads.

According to reports from a number of reputable outlets, 20th Century Fox is currently working on a plan to give Play-Doh its very own movie. That alone is surprising, but what makes this whole story even more interesting is the fact Bridesmaids mastermind Paul Feig is in talks to direct. Yes, filmmaker responsible for The Heat and this summer’s action-comedy Spy is potentially entering the world of colored clay.

Deadline reports Hasbro will produce the Play-Doh movie with Chernin Entertainment and Feig’s Feigco. The toy company approached Feig and Chernin to help come up with an idea, and then brought Jason Micallef on board to write the script. Micallef’s previous credits include the 2011 political satire Butter. It’s not a great film, but it’s certainly worth your time. You can view the trailer below.

Play-Doh was introduced in the 1950s and it quickly became one of the hottest toys on the market. To date, over 2 billion cans of the colorful clay-like product have been sold. That is impressive, but unlike G.I. Joe or Transformers there is essentially no mythology behind the product. That fact certainly didn’t hurt The Lego Movie, but whether or not a completely different team of people can pull of an equally entertaining spin on this product remains to be seen.

There is no release date for the Play-Doh movie, but as soon as the ink dries on a few more key contracts I’m certain more information will become available. Follow UTG on Twitter for updates.

James Shotwell
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