Stand-Up Tuesdays is a weekly comedy spotlight written by the wonderfully talented Angie Frissore. Covering both known and unknown comics, Stand-up Tuesdays is your new source for all things funny.

This week, Angie puts a spotlight on Josh Gondelman and his latest release, Everything’s The Best! If you or your comedy troupe would like to be featured on Stand-Up Tuesdays, please email

It’s a really exciting week here in Stand Up Tuesdays – this weekend kicks off the 2011 Boston Comedy Festival, and in honor of the festival, I’m reviewing a brand-new release from one of Boston’s most-loved homegrown talents – Josh Gondelman’s Everything’s The Best!  Recorded mere months ago at Boston’s Mottley’s Comedy Club, the CD hilariously showcases Gondelman’s uber-likable and upbeat comedic talent. 

It’s also sort of bittersweet, as the recording marked one of Gondelman’s last performances in Boston before moving to New York City.

“After doing a lot of thinking,” Gondelman tells me, “I decided that the most important thing was to record at home, a couple of months before I moved. It was nice to have my family there, and it was great to be able to say, this is what I did the last seven-ish years in comedy. This is the act I’m taking to New York and on the road with me, like, this is what I’ve accomplished so far, like a capstone project.”

Gondelman left behind another career when he left Boston – that of a preschool teacher (which is not all that far-fetched considering he’s probably one of the nicest, most genuine people around), something that lends itself well to Gondelman’s act.

“I get to work, this little boy about four years old, says to me, Josh, when I grow up, I’m gonna be a wizawd,” Gondelman starts. “And at that point I’m just praying he means wizard purple cloak and not wizard white hood, because it’s too early in the day to learn racist magic from a child.”

What’s great about Gondelman, aside from there being absolutely nothing off-putting whatsoever about him, is his level of enthusiasm that remains unchanged, even when degrading himself.

“What are you gonna do with a trombone at a social event?” Gondelman asks, after admitting to having played the instrument in high school. “Hey guys, want to hear the new one from John Phillips Souza? It’s called Stars and Stripes and I’ll Probably Be A Virgin Forever.”

Recording his first CD at Mottley’s was definitely a milestone for Gondelman, though he at first had slight reservations about recording in such a small room.

“I was worried about the size of the venue,” Gondelman admits, describing how he put off listening to fellow comic Kelly MacFarland’s CD which had been recorded at the same club. “When I listened to it, I was like, Oh man, Kelly’s killing, she’s amazing.  The room sounds great. I think Rooftop does a great job micing the place for sound. The sound at Mottley’s is great, and it’s one of my favorite rooms, and I love Jon, Tim and Jeff – it was a perfect place for me to record it.”

Now, I won’t say that Everything’s the Best! is entirely a PG-13 experience – Gondelman may be a sweet-natured school teacher, but he’s certainly not bland. Everything’s the Best! is a truly hilarious hour of comedy that you’ll want to keep in your car, in your iPod – anywhere that’s a close reach.  Pre-order it now at iTunes or through Rooftop Comedy and be sure to pick it up on its release date, November 8!


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