DAMMIT: Nirvana Musical Being Discussed

We can all pray that this doesn’t happen (please God don’t let this happen), but today manager Sam Luft commented that he and Courtney Love are in fact “currently working on a possible motion picture or Broadway musical based on the Nirvana catalogue, based on her life and Kurt Cobain’s.” While we think this idea works with some artists (you know, like ABBA, and… you know… ABBA), surely Nirvana is not one of those artists.

This comes fresh off the news that CBS intends to have a sitcom called “Smells Like Teen Spirit”. It is unknown whether CBS has permission to name it that yet – but despite that, they’ve already announced their intention to do so. Good luck; I know Showtime had a lot of fun paying the Red Hot Chili Peppers for the right to name something “Californication”.

What makes this especially strange is that Courtney Love once said the Muppets “raped” Kurt Cobain with their use of “Smells Like Teen Spirit” in their most recent film. The actress, former Hole singer, and Cobain wife has been very critical of Nirvana’s usage in public in the past… and now seems to be pursuing turning into Nirvana into Mamma Mia or Movin’ Out. Maybe we’re wrong here, but count us out.

What do you think of the Nirvana musical idea? Let us know in the comments. You can also watch the Muppets “raping” Kurt Cobain by clicking “Read more.”

Dan Bogosian
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