Van Morisson – Under Review 1964-1974 [DVD]

Band: Van Morisson
Title: Under Review 1964-1974
Genre: Documentary
Release: 03/08
Distributor: MVD Visual

This documentary covers the musical career of one of the most influential singer/songwriters of the 1960’s and 70’s, Van Morrison. It starts with his involvement with the band Them and then his solo career. It’s pretty much by the books documentary, which is just fine with me. It features some great footage of Van Morrison performances, along with some very unique and rare photographs.

What I found to be the most interesting part was the actual interview tapes from Van Morrison himself. There’s great narration and even greater interviews from some esteemed biographers and music critics. It goes in to great detail about Van’s life, career, and influences in his music.

The DVD menu is pretty much non-existent. Just a black screen with white letters. The DVD has very few special features. There a small segment called “Stories From The Road” which was interesting. It was a few anecdotes about Van Morrison on the road. Pretty entertaining stuff. The sound quality is good. The live tracks are remastered and everything is as crisp and clear as you can expect from recordings of the era.

If you love Van Morrison you will absolutely love this DVD. If you just like “Brown Eyed Girl” and want to know more about Van Morrison, you will enjoy this DVD. If you’re very bored and need something to watch, you will be satisfied by this DVD. All in all, it’s very well done and pretty entertaining.

**Written by: Justin Proper**
Grade: 7/10

James Shotwell
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