Band: Architecture in Helsinki
Album: Like it or Not EP
Genre: Indie/Rock
Label: Polyvinyl
1. Like it or Not [Version 2]
2. Beef in Box
3. One Heavy February 2008
4. Hold Music [Max Tundra Remix]
5. Like It or Not [El Guincho Remix]
When you get a record from Polyvinyl, you can expect one thing: you will not be hearing some old run down sound. The label, started in 1995, has made a niche in the industry by bringing attention to bands that refuse to conform to a top 40, or “popular at the moment sound.” A prime example of this can be found in Architecture in Helsinki who just released their new EP Like it Or Not in recent weeks. There sound is about as easy to put a label on as it would be to solve pi to the last digit and that’s what makes them so amazing. However, on this EP, I can’t say we really the full view of what AIH is capable of, but it is definitely something you should check out.
“Like it or Not [version 2],” kicks things off for us in a fashion on Polyvinyl artists like AIH or label mates Of Montreal can, with a sound that instantly makes you go, “wait, what is this?” The track has several small changes from the original recording [namely a shorter intro], but as soon as the gang vocals and repetition of, “wa wa,” comes in, we’re thrust into the world of AIH. From a simple guitar riff, the song explodes with various percussion, horns and an overall festive feel that makes you want to both dance and pay attention to what’s being said at the same time. Though the song doesn’t give off a message of depth, the lyrics are very approachable and the addition of electronics a bit over halfway through takes the organic sound to a whole new level with a wonderful curveball. It’s a brief moment of vocal distortion, but it’s worth every nanosecond and seals this as a solid track. Track two, entitled, “Beef In Box,” has a bit more a funky sound to it that will surely conjure images of a late 70’s disco, but with vocals that reflect mid 1980’s pop, we found ourselves in a wonderfully confused land of sound. It honestly took me three listens to simply grasp all the sounds I hear in this track. Be sure to note the catchy, yet short guitar riffing that various occurs throughout the song. Most notably, this song has a bass line that will sync to your heart and not let you go.
It’s after these two stand out tracks that we start to fumble. “One Heavy February 2008,” starts very whimsically with some light hand claps before fading in entirely on synth tones. It takes nearly a third of the track to actually get going at full volume and what follows is a boring repetitive series of tones and claps that you just can’t get into. This is an obvious bridge track, but a bridge to what? Only remixes follow and none of what’s come before or after reflects this track. I will say the percussion work on the back half is quite lovely and should be given some credit. This takes us ,albeit awkwardly, into, “Hold Music [Max Tundra Remix],” which is the stronger of the two tracks. The choppy sample overlays keep things interesting and the fact that the vocals remain mainly untouched is simply a captivating idea. your mind is pulled in 30 directions as far as music goes, yet the vocals stick to the natural flow. IT’s almost as if it’s done intentionally so that we’ll listen closer to what’s being said and if so, kudos to AIH for this because it more than succeeds. The last track pairs Barcelona based remixer El Guicho and AIH’s original mix of, “Like it or Not.” While the Spanish vibes go over okay, the song just feels like a mess. Everything is lost in the wall of sound and it just seems to fall flat. It’s strange because you’d think a sample artist and a band with such spastic style would mesh well, but that is sadly not the case. Also, with this being the closer and one of the longer tracks, this is whatever take with us initially after we listen to the EP and I can’t say I enjoyed the taste I found in my mouth.
For those unfamiliar with the world of Architecture in Helsinki, The Like it or Not EP will probably tickle your taste buds enough to check out the rest f the bands material. However, for those of us who’ve been waiting on new material, I think you’ll not find yourself completely satisfied with this offering. What starts as a brilliant EP slowly slides into a dull grey area and that’s nothing fans will want to deal with. However, given the incredible material we’ve heard before this, I’m sure that next time we hear from AIH [probably on a full length], we will be more than blown away. All the elements of a great disc were hear, but I think some cuts would have added a lot.
*Written By: James Shotwell*
GRADE: 5.5/10
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