REVIEW: Dashboard Confessional – Alter The Ending

DCcover_final300Artist: Dashboard Confessional
Album: Alter The Ending
Genre: Mature Pop Rock
Label: Interscope

Chris Carabba has been making waves as the heart-on-his-sleeve singer-songwriter-mastermind behind Dashboard Confessional since the release of A Swiss Army Romance in 2000. Before that, he was amongst the emo pioneers with his work in then relatively unknown Further Seems Forever. Personally, I’ve been following Carabba and his work throughout his entire career and having said that, I cannot begin to explain the timidness I had toward listening to the group’s new album Alter The Ending.

I try to always stay current with the changing trends in music. Even if it’s not my style, I’ve always done my best to make myself try and see what people find enjoyable about as many genres of music as I could, but I must admit I’ve always heavily favored the earlier work of Dashboard Confessional. It’s not even the expansion of sound over the past few records that has created the sour taste in my mouth, but simply the overall quality of songwriting. Following the completely hit and miss Dusk and Summer, I was in a stage of turmoil with my Dashboard love, but I decided to fight my notions and put the record on to see what Carabba and crew have to offer this time.

Within the first minutes of the opener, “Get Me Right,” it’s obvious that something has changed in the world of Chris Carabba since the last time we heard from him. There’s this since of maturity in every lick that comes through the speakers both lyrically and musically. The subject matter, especially on the opener and the following, “Until Morning,” is no longer girl-centric, but it seems Carabba has finally fully embraced his adult life and is writing to that affect. I was instantly back into everything I’d ever loved about Dashboard: the guitar work wasn’t overly difficult, but seemed perfect for each poetic line that Carabba conveyed and all at once I knew I was in for something I didn’t expect.

I listened on and cringed as the mainstream track gone wrong, “Belle of the Boulevard” rolled by. Not once since its release have I been into the track, it jsut feels way too generic for a musician of this caliber. Luckily, the pounding drums and belting vocals of the title track pulled me back into the record. There’s something about the Carabba’s vocals that are simply timeless on this and every DC release. Even now in his 30’s he sounds like the voice of the youth and that’s one attribute seems to be going nowhere in the foreseeable future.

While most of the album does a fairly decent job of steering clear of “woe is me” love songs, Carabba hits the nail on the head with the moving “Even Now.” This simple song reverberates the emotions of nearly anyone whose gone through a break up or emotional rough patch with a loved one in the past 50 years. For some reason, even now, a decade later, DC has the ability to make everyone feel the same way about love and life with just an acoustic guitar, some words, and the occasional drum line. It’s engaging and deep without going into cliche territory and in this day and age, that’s really saying something in terms of acoustic ballads. Though Dashboard did lay the blueprints for most the emerging acoustic acts, that doesn’t give them any “get out of jail” passes for progression.

Outside of the expected, Dashboard steps out of the box on tracks like “No Motion” to add new elements [in this case a thick synth line] to their sound. The writing works perfectly with most these attempts [though the folk heavy “I Know You” feels a bit flat] and leaves you please with the results, just not floored.

Though Alter The Ending shows Chris Carabba finding his footing after slipping into a bit of a creative funk on the last release, it’s still not Dashboard’s A-game. I feel like these last two records both showcase a band unsure of its footing and that’s fine because development is key, but its depressing to still be getting albums with handfuls of “meh” tracks this deep into a career. Dashboard did take a smart marketing move by recording the entire album acoustically for a bonus disc for those willing to purchase the deluxe edition [which most die hard fans will], but its simply not enough to wow me. I love you DC, but I’m not sure things will ever be as great as they once were.

Score: 7/10

James Shotwell
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75 Responses to “REVIEW: Dashboard Confessional – Alter The Ending”

  1. Meg says:

    I can’t say I agree entirely with this review (for I’m not one to favor any Dash “era”). I feel that it is quite a strong album and for those who favor early Dash and constantly yearn for the return of that era, their bias blinds them from how unique each song is on its own and how the album gels so well on a whole. To see the band branching in a new direction should be welcome and I’m sad to see that this reviewer can’t handle it. I, personally, see this as a great step forward and is only foreshadowing the greatness that is to come in Dash’s future.

  2. Lindsay says:

    You’ve made a lot of errors of the track names and you spelt his name wrong. Do your research please?

  3. Sarina Shaver says:

    Totally disagree! I think this is the best album since a mark a mission a brand a scar. I agree with you that dusk was not one of my favorites. (excluding dusk and summer and so long so long). But anyways, this album has alot of good songs on it! Love it~

  4. Shauna Marie says:

    To each their own. In my opinion, this album, in its entirety, is amazing! Stamped with growth, and displaying a different view of ones’ talent. If I wanted something repetitive, I’d by a Creed album. Dashboard, I am pleased once again!!

  5. Katie says:

    I love the new cd so far. I’ve been listening to it on myspace everyday. I can’t wait to hear it stripped down to acoustic. I’m counting down the days until i can run to best buy :) :) They’ve blessed us with great music yet again

  6. katherine says:

    I enjoyed this review and agree with some points. ive listened to it on their myspace and think it is amazing and look forward to getting it in the mail!

  7. Chelsea says:

    I can’t wait for the new album

  8. bobby says:

    Ok. A lot of bands get reemed when they begin to switch musical styles and/or move to another genre. This type of move is sometimes the death of a band and sometimes projects the band into realms of stardom previously unbeknown to the members. From the beginning, Dashboard Confessional has slowly been maturing musically and lyrically from their acoustic girl ballads of their past. The new album “Alter the Ending” is by far the most mature album released by the group. This album is very reminiscent of Chris Carrabba’s stint with Further Seems forever, bringing in the sweet melodic guitar riffs, a heavier complexity within the drum beats, and the introduction of guitar solos. The new album has successfully settled into the contemporary “groove” without losing their indie sound or losing their base audience. This album is the perfect blend of the two genres (those being Contemporary Rock and Indie). The record is produced very well and was entirely worth the wait. Way to go guys…

  9. TiffTiffC says:

    This was a great review! However, I disagree with the way you think DC is not living much to their old work. How exciting would it be if they stuck with their own sound? Not much. A band must grow and change to bring us something new to our ears. I believe that Chris made a fairly equal amount of mainstream-ish songs that can counteract his songs that reflect his old roots. I know some fans aren’t happy with this album so far but they just have to fiest their ears on the deluxe acoustic version! I’m pretty sure they’ll love it either way!

  10. brandi says:

    If development is key, you have to give room for the artist to grow. While perhaps the last album wasn’t my favorite, it was a different direction for Dashboard. I appreciate the fact that Carrabba has learned new ways to grow with his audience.

  11. Christina says:

    I disagree, I feel that this album does revert back the the old style, and although the lyrics have matured it still sounds like the old albums.

  12. Lew says:

    I have to disagree with this.. this album is solid and genius.. just like his old work, these songs are relatable and the lyrics are beautiful as always.. much better than the last album

  13. laura says:

    i agreed with a lot of this review.. and its one of my favorites out of the handful that i have read. but i dont think that “but I’m not sure things will ever be as great as they once were” is the right thing to say.. this album is fantastic. its just different than his older albums which i also love. this album is trying to find his balance between the electric guitar and acoustic. even though i think he sounds amazing, to him he might still be finding what sounds right to him and what feels right.
    but overall i like this album :]

  14. David says:

    You can not disagree that style has changed, although this and the last album did start to go back to old roots it still is not the same. Nothing ever really compares to the first few albums but at the same time I would have to say there is greatness in these ones as well. At first I did not like them as much because I was just expecting the same sort of thing. The band is growing and lyrically I think this album is amazing. The sound is different, powerful, and there is still a lot of acoustics in it, also an added piano is pretty rad. It is hard to not want great things like Swiss Army or A Mark, but I absolutely love each album in different ways; I don’t have a favorite or least favorite. The thing that kills newer albums for most people is that they are expecting the same songs, just with different lyrics; I can’t say that is really new.

  15. mrsmays says:

    i think this album is great. chris carrabba is a musical & lyrical genius. he speaks directly to the hearts of his fans, and his words come straight from HIS heart. this is what is unique about dashboard confessional. this album is great and i can’t wait for its release!

  16. daniel says:

    I am also one who longs for the return of early era dashboard and i had very similar reservations about the latest album. I was starting to wonder whether or not to buy this album in fear of ruining my love for Chris and his guitar. I however don’t find any thing meh about this album. I really like that they are branching out musically and staying true to their singer songwriting lyrics. I feel like they are really hitting their stride and it makes me ready for things the albums to come.

  17. Christina says:

    There are some things that I agree with in this article. The band has definitely matured and sounds more polished off than from their original raw sound. I must say I do miss their older sound but, this new cd is amazing in it’s own way. They’re venturing out finding new sounds and I think it really works for them.

  18. Doug says:

    I agree with this article. I love the new sound of DC, but really i’m glad the old sound isn’t completely gone. Chris still is one of the only people to pull off this type of music. DC has always been pretty unique. I can’t wait for the new album!

  19. Felicity says:

    Like i said before Alter The Ending is going to be one of D.C’s best. I so cant wait to hear the whole album.
    11−10−09 <3

  20. hellokitty2022 says:

    Amazing new album. Just what I’d expect from Chris. Going back to the old sounds with a new approach. I’ll definitely be in line on Tuesday!

  21. Danielle Stacie says:

    I think they are chameleons. They always try new things and in my opinion strive and do fantastically well with the new styles. Dashboard (and Chris alone) knows what works for them and their sound and they try for new things to change it up. No one likes the same style over and over. Something should be said for trying new things! Give the sex men (yes they are all totally gorgeous… especially Chris)their well deserved credit!

  22. Yenise says:

    I can’t say I agree with everything stated, but I can say that this new album is probably one of their best and one of my personal favorites.

  23. Andrew says:

    As a Musician It’s really difficult to just make an album every one will still like. But things change people cant wright about the same summer girl over and over again. It gets boring. I give him props because i love all the songs and I’m still inclined with all his music and I’m just sad cus he took off “Truth Of The Matter” it’s a bonus track but i love it cus i could relate. :)

  24. Jaime says:

    I can’t say that I really agree with this article. I do love DC’s old albums, as well as the last two, but all for different reasons. Yes, their style now is a bit different than it used to be years ago and I will always love their old stuff. But, I wouldn’t want them to continue to make repeats of the same album over and over. Their sound now, is different, but I think it has progressed and it is absolutely amazing. Some people may not think things aren’t the same as they once were, but I definitely think they are up to par on the greatness meter. This album is absolutely wonderful and quite possibly my new favorite.

  25. Anthony D says:

    I think this album is awesome. I can’t pick a certain Dashboard era that I love…they are all great in their own ways. This album truly delivers. Can’t wait for it’s release!

  26. I agree with this review, but I am actually very excited to hear things in aucoustic. Hopefully it’ll be what I expect. Although this album isn’t a good as the earlier ones, I think that we need to all except that all musician’s music changes, and I think that it reflects where he is in his life….. And as for the last 2 album, everyone has there bleh points in life. But I am happy to say that my Dashboard is back and I look forward to this album to be the soundtrack to many of my future memories!

  27. Melissa says:

    I am in love with this album. I think its a perfect blend. We get to hear jams like EVEN NOW that are more acoustic and raw like the older DC tunes, and then UNTIL MORNING that gives me the Dusk and Summer Feel! I think the Track ALTER THEN ENDING is a bit towards a new sound for DC.. I love it all! We cant expect anything to stay the same, Everything grows and evolves. Again – I will say.. I LOVE THIS ALBUM!!!!

  28. Jonathan says:

    Well I like “ALter the ending” I agree the prior album wasnt all that. Excluding some songs. But I think its good that theyve been stepping out of their safety circle. Theyre exploring. And thats what makes me admire bands who step out side theyre safety circle and explore new sounds and such. But overall good album.

  29. Sheila says:

    I am SO buying this album. GO DASHBOARD !!!!!!!!

  30. Meaghan says:

    I agree to the extent of favouring older material, but that tends to be true of any album. This album is a step away from what has come before, whether that is a step forward or not will require at few more listens. I’m personally looking forward to hearing the acoustic versions.

  31. Ryan Sagendorf says:

    Honestly this cd is amazing thier new style is great

  32. paperwall says:

    This is one of my favorite ! Sounds good !

  33. Kristina says:

    I actually really love this album! I have a feeling it will never leave my car’s cd player. :]

  34. Madeleine says:

    I like how you states negative, then positive things about the album. I don’t completely agree with you though. I think the new album is pretty great, especially the completely acoustic songs.

  35. Krissi says:

    I absolutely love the new sound of DC!! Can’t wait to see them on tour when they go, and I also cannot wait til Tues to have ALTER THE ENDING Album in my hands!!

  36. joe says:

    well i think this album is great. every era of dashboard is amazing and everyone has a different sound to it so how could you ever pick the best one?

  37. Jill says:

    I feel like the Dashboard I fell in love with way back when and the Dashboard of today are two completely different bands. And that’s okay, because bands, like the people who listen to them, also change. The last two albums left me wanting something else, something just shy of what they gave me. It felt they were trying too hard to cover every base and get it just right. It feels like they let go a bit on Alter the Ending, and for the most part it hits the mark. On my first listen, I wasn’t in completely love, but each time I listen, it grows on me more and more. And I like that. It means that it won’t burn out quickly, and I won’t be left asking, That’s it? after the last chord is strummed.

  38. Jillian says:

    I absolutely can not wait for this album to come out! Dashboard Confessional has helped me a lot in my life, just by helping me get by in different situations. I am excited to see what this album will do!

  39. Rhonda P says:

    I’m extremely excited about getting my hands on this album. “Get me Right” is a nod to the new sound that I’m really excited to see Dashboard play live – and songs like “Even Now” remind me of why I originally fell in love with Dashboard. I’m always excited to see how the band grows and matures – and I’m glad they didnt totally leave behind what made them my favorite band about 10 years ago!

  40. Lauren says:

    Alter the Ending is a great combination of the older and newer albums. It has the older, emotional lyrics that we all know & love, with the newer sound that was introduced during Shade of Poison Trees. This album could easily be better than Shade of Poison Trees and I can’t wait to download the music onto my iPod!

  41. Jonathan says:

    I would agree that this album is a positive step forward and that Chris’ lyrics have changed in a new direction. Dashboard is yet to reach it’s full potential.

  42. Wennie says:

    I don’t necessarily agree with you, or disagree with you. But I mean to each their own. We all have different opinions on things and that doesn’t make anyone wrong.

    With that being said, I liked ‘Alter the Ending’, I thought the album was better than ‘Dusk and Summer’ and ‘The Shade of Poison Trees’. Upon first listening to ‘Alter the Ending’ I found myself engaged and totally digging the music, unlike the previous two albums where it didn’t hold my attention. This wasn’t any ‘Swiss Army Romance’ or ‘A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar’ but it was close.

  43. cecilia says:

    I love ‘alter the ending’. It might not be like his old stuff, but I still really love it! I agree with the maturity in his lyrics. His voice and his lyrics still make me feel somewhat safe in a way, and it’s one of the reasons why I love DC so much. Change isn’t always bad in my opinion. =)

  44. Katie says:

    I think this particular review is a little outrageous. It isn’t fair to compare a band’s current sound to what they started with. They’ve matured, and maybe their new sound doesn’t totally fit your taste but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t good. I like the new albums because their different, and I like Dashboard because they’ve changed.

  45. Estela says:

    “Alter the Ending” has been one of my most anticipated albums of 2009! I’ve been listening to it streaming on Myspace and was lucky enough to hear “Even Now” and “Belle of the Boulevard” earlier to give me a taste. I don’t necessarily agree or disagree with this review or the other comments. I have loved D/C since “Swiss Army Romance” and every now and then, I reminisce to that album. Then, moving on to “The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most” was also amazing. I have loved how D/C has evolved over the past decade. No, the music isn’t the same, but it shouldn’t be. You can tell that Chris has definitely matured and we’d all frown upon him singing about adolescent drama. I love the lyrics in “Alter the Ending” and I am definitely looking forward to the acoustic bonus tracks too! I am a sucker for anything acoustic. :) Overall, I’d say this is an “A”

  46. AshleyMarie says:

    I’m not all for this review. I believe that “Alter the Ending” is very strong, but I do agree with the fact that “Shade of Poison Trees” was total nothingness. I think Dashboard has brought it back and is finally understanding the public’s want for OLD!

  47. Sara says:

    Not a bad review but I have to say you need to move on from old DC. Believe me, I am the biggest fan of the old stuff but he is growing and always experimenting and with that comes a change in sound. I think his “marketing move” as you say is not a marketing move at all. It is for you and I and all the other fans of the original Chris Carrabba by providing us with his old acoustic sound we love so much. He did it for the diehard fans and I couldn’t be more grateful. Can’t wait to hear all the acoustic versions tomorrow!

  48. John says:

    One thing I loved about this album was at first I felt I was missing some of the good old acoustic Dashboard stuff like I found in A Mark…, The Places…, and Swiss Army Romance, but when I looked online I found Acoustic versions of every song on the album, part of the deluxe set which I’ll definitely b buying. I liked the versatility because in some songs the experimentation pays off, as in “The Motions” and “Get Me Right”, but some songs just sound better in the “old style” so to speak, like “Hell On The Throat”. All in all no matter how you listen to the album, it’s a great set from a great band. Lacking some of the familiarity, but let’s face it you can only listen to the same unevolving sound for so long anyway.

  49. Rebecca says:

    As dashboard has progressed the albums have changed. I band can’t continue unless they are constantly offering something new. I too like the acoustic stuff, but the content of the new album is awesome. It is positive that he seems to be coming back around to his relationship with God. I look forward to seeing what happens in the future and listening to this album over and over like all the rest.

  50. Anuk says:

    Alter the Ending is out today. Well, it’s definitely smth different, but different is good, it means new and fresh.
    I’m glad to discover a new side of Dashboard Confessional.